Isnin, 24 September 2018

Indonesian identity card

Indonesian identity card

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Obverse of Jakarta-issued KTP

Reverse of Jakarta-issued KTP

An Indonesian identity card from 1988
The Kartu Tanda Penduduk (literally: Resident Identity Card), commonly KTP, is anIndonesian compulsory identity card. Separate versions exist for Indonesian and non-Indonesian residents.[1] The card is issued upon reaching the age of 17 or uponmarriage.[1] In the case of Indonesian citizens, the card must be renewed every five years.[1] For non-Indonesian residents, the card's expiry date is the same as that of their residency permit.[1] Since 2011, the Indonesian governments has issued an electronic ID card, the e-KTP (KTP elektronik), which contains an embedded microchip. The e-KTP project became one of the country's biggest corruption scandals.

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