Ulu Yam is a main town in Selangor, Malaysia. It is famous for its lor mee (or noodles in thick soya gravy), and is especially popular among residents of nearby Kuala Lumpur Loh Mee was Founded by Hock Choon Kee, which was the 1st generation resident during the Emergency period in Malaya back then, he was exiled to Ulu Yam by the British administration due to his involvement in Communist activities and running a prostitution ring that stretched from Kuala Kubu Baru to Kuala Selangor. Ulu Yam is also a transit point to the Genting Highlands Resort after Batang Kali. The British administration gazetted Ulu Yam as a Communist hot-spot and surrounded it to keep the Chinese in check. In order to minimize Communist influence, all residents back then were not allowed to go into jungle.
Ulu Yam is also well known by its natural surroundings and places such as waterfalls (around 2-4). One of it has five stages. There are also three natural hot springs.
Tahniah kepada Kerajaan Negeri Selangor yang menaikkan gaji guru-guru Kafa di seluruh Negeri Selangor. Sebelum ini gaji guru kafa telah dinaikkan dari RM 738.30 kepada RM 1000 dan elaun penyelia KAFA, dari RM 1112.00 kepada RM1500 [Video Rujukan].
BalasPadamKali ini kerajaan Negeri Selangor sekali lagi mengumumkan kenaikkan gaji guru Kafa dari RM 1000 kepada RM 1300. Kerajaan Negeri Selangor meluluskan tambahan elaun sebanyak RM300 sebulan kepada guru-guru Kelas al-Quran dan Fardhu Ain (Kafa) yang bertugas di Sekolah Rendah Agama (SRA) dan Sekolah Rendah Agama Integrasi (SRAI) di seluruh negeri Selangor.
Dengan tambahan elaun RM300 itu menjadikan elaun bulanan guru-guru Kafa di SRA dan SRAI Selangor sebanyak RM1,300 sebulan berkuatkuasa 1 Januari lalu [Harakahdaily].
Read more: http://www.milosuam.net/2011/02/gaji-guru-kafa-selangor-naik-lagi-kini.html#ixzz5OsD0KUgC